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improv theater

1. April 2023, Zeit: 13:30 - 16:30


we invite you to explore improv theater. Improv is the practice of engaging with life in an authentic and spontaneous way. We will explore our emotions and the emotions of our partners. We will try different topics and methods.
Methods will include verbal and nonverbal improv theater. Some of the warmup exercises will also include movement and/or dancing.
Workshops are typically divided into three sections: Warm-up, exploring different improv activities, free play. Generally, we are focusing more on an emotional side of improv theater. There will be lots of laughter for sure, but the purpose is not to make each other laughter. Our purpose in engaging with each other, is to feel something.
Our group consists of first time beginners and experienced improvisers. Many exercises will be available in different levels of depth. Come as you are and lets have fun improvising together 🙂

Would you like to explore different improv theater games and techniques? Would you like experience laughter, emotions and spontaneity with a group of likeminded people? Register now to join us:

When? 01.04.2023 – 13:30 – 16:30
Where? Kitchen-Hub, Roßbachstraße 6, 10829 Berlin

See you soon
Your Tellerrand Team


1. April 2023
13:30 - 16:30




Über den Tellerrand Berlin